Phoebe and Dan's Wedding at Polhawn Fort
Venue: Polhawn Fort "We both LOVE food. The caterer was always going to be the next biggest expense after the venue and we really wanted...
Thomas & Hannah's Wedding at Polhawn Fort
Photo Source: "People are still talking about our food now! We had a bit of a fiasco with a catering...
Zara & Carlo's Wedding at Polhawn Fort
Zara & Carlo's wedding at Polhawn Fort.
Visit to New York
2002, Soho Before the days of Amazon and Kindle, staring up to the top shelf in a used book store in Wardour Street is not the obvious...
Wedding Planning
Weddings - I've catered for a lot - nearly 400 at time of writing. Three already down this year and 40 more in the diary for 2016. I’ve...
2am in Hanoi
It's 2am, Hanoi. Humidity, 93%. The kind of conditions ideal for countering the gluttony of the festive season, but the cuisine here...
Zesty Quinoa w/ Spiced Venison cooking demonstration on Saturday AM TV3
Richard McGeown, cooked up a delious Venison recipe on Saturday AM.
Cooking Demonstration on Saturday AM 3TV
Richard McGeown, joined Saturday AM to cook pan roasted Sea Bass.
Apt Catering Ltd featured in
We were recently featured in VENUE: Trenderway Farm. #AptCatering #perfectwedding #wedding #TrenderwayFarm
Apt Catering Ltd featured in 'Perfect Wedding' Magazine
We were recently featured in 'Perfect Wedding' Magazine as part of Charlie & Edwards wedding at Polhawn Fort. #wedding #polhawnfort...